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PCGT National Youth Parliament 2022

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PCGT National Youth Parliament 2022


Pravin Gandhi College of Law

Event Location

Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Youth Parliament, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Start Date & End Date

30-Jul-2022 - 31-Jul-2022


09:00 - 18:00


PCGT National Youth Parliament 2022

Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT) is a registered trust founded by Mr. Julio Ribeiro, Dr. R.K. Anand, and the late Mr. B.G. Deshmukh to increase public participation and activism towards creating a more transparent and efficient governance system.

In furtherance to its vision and mission, PCGT has organized three successful editions of the National Youth Parliament and we are back with the Fourth edition in association with Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL). Our Conference theme for this Edition is 'Youth for Progressive India: ????, ????, ??????.'. We would like to invite all emerging and young leaders from schools, junior colleges, undergraduate and postgraduate colleges across India to register for PCGT National Youth Parliament.

For further queries, please contact:

Rachna Verma

(Vice President)

+91 8226082269

Bianca Chettiar


+91 9619578431


Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Youth Parliament, Mumbai, Maharashtra

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